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About Us

Serving Western University since 1925, The Book Store at Western is owned by Western University and supports its academic mission. Primarily an educational resource for students and faculty, The Book Store provides course materials for all university courses. The Book Store is the official source of Western clothing, giftware, school and office supplies, and other products. In partnerships with campus and community groups, The Book Store contributes to Western’s school spirit and culture. The Book Store is service driven and revenues support student services, facilities, and programming.

Our Mission Statement

Western Retail Services' mission is to support the best student experience at Western University. To help students, faculty, and staff at Western and people in our community fulfill their educational goals and life potential, we are dedicated to providing products, services and information for their academic, professional, social and cultural needs.

Community Driven!

  • Hosts an annual Faculty Author Reception, celebrating 30+ recently published faculty authors
  • Supports a number of departments with book sales at author events, including English, History, Political Science, Philosophy, Ivey, Faculty of Information & Media Studies, Earth Sciences, Women's Studies, The McIntosh Gallery, and the University Students Council. Authors include Margaret Atwood, Nino Ricci, Emma Donoghue, Neil Shubin, Chris Hedges, Ralph Nader; Maya Angelou
  • Provides off site sales support at conferences and events located throughout the city
  • Partnership with Propel, Western’s Entrepreneurship Centre offering unique sales opportunities for retail-based startup companies.
  • Employs over 100 student employees in our operations
  • Collaborates with several departments to plan and host major annual events, including Student Academic Orientation and Homecoming
  • Continued focus on initiatives lessening our environmental footprint including reducing plastic bag usage by 90% and offering 5000 reusable bags to first year students
  • Donates over $5000 to student, campus and community groups to support fundraising
  • Raised monies and donated over $5000 worth of children's books to the A Book For Every Child program in partnership with the London Public Library

Environmental Sustainability

See Western Retail Services: Environmental Sustainability Policy.

Supplier Code of Conduct

See The University of Western Ontario Code of Conduct for Trademark Licensees doing business with The University of Western Ontario Bookstore.